When your digestive system is damaged, you become unable to absorb nutrients from either food or supplements. As a result, the body begins to break down and any disease or combinations of diseases can be the result. Digestion is the “supply chain” for the body. When the supply chain is damaged or blocked, the body can run out of everything.
Stop all sugar intake while doing this program. That means no refined sugars and limit natural sugars (fruits and starchy veggies) while on the program. Sugars feed unhealthy bacteria so removing them from the diet during this time will enhance the benefits of the Flora Program. Once you have replenished the healthy probiotic, you may reintroduce minimal amounts of healthy sugars, but refined sugars should always be limited. In addition, go gluten-free. Remove all breads, pasta, cookies, rye, barley, grains and other gluten sources from the diet. Always eat only organic and non-GMO foods. Look for the verified "Non-GMO" label on pre-packaged foods. Whenever possible, eat whole foods, not prepackaged or processed foods.
You should continue to take all your other supplements while doing this program.
For the 20 days you will need:
Ultimate Microbiome - 1 canister
Digest-Fx - 1 bottle
Ultimate Enzymes - 1 bottle
Ultimate Nightly Essense - 1 bottle
2 Canisters of Collagen Peptides
2 Bottles of Plant Derived Minerals
ADD ON ONLY if needed.
Good Herbs Antioxidant Response 2 bottles (if dealing with specific inflammatory bowel diseases like IBS, Crohn’s, etc.)
For the first 10 days do the following:
Once a day take 1 scoop Ultimate Microbiome powder and 2 scoops Collagen Peptides powder in a cool/cold liquid - (hot liquids will denature the protein in the Ultimate Microbiome) - this can be added to a shake with 2 ounces of the minerals.
Take 4 caps Nightly Essense at bedtime for 10 days.
Then for the next 10 days do the following:
Once a day take 1 scoop Microbiome, 2 scoops Collagen Peptides and 2 ounces minerals as above.
Take 2 caps Nightly Essense at bedtime for 10 days.
The Nightly Essense should be taken on an empty stomach. I recommend the Ultimate Microbiome first thing in the morning 45 minutes to 1 hour before eating solid food, but it may be added to a shake with the minerals as noted above. The Nightly Essense should be taken last thing at night at least 2 hours after food and at least 1 hour after any drink or other supplements.
Take 1-2 caps Ultimate Enzymes before each meal depending on the size of the meal.
Take 2 caps mid-morning and 2 caps mid-afternoon of the Digest-Fx with a glass of water.
Once you have completed this Flora Program it is a good idea to take enzymes with each meal and ideally you should consider the Ultimate Microbiome product, one serving each day after completion of the program as maintenance.
This program is for everyone as we generally do not get enough probiotics in the foods we eat, and supplementing is a beneficial way to help re-establish healthy gut bacteria.
People who have problems with:
The most impressive things I notice are people who have food allergies, especially lactose intolerance, and those who are not seeing the results they expect to see taking supplements, see dramatic improvement once their Gl systems are tuned up using this program. This program is extremely helpful for all who wish to improve immune function. Research confirms that roughly 70% and more of overall immune function is dependent on a healthy gut. It is important to maintain vibrant intestinal flora.
If a person is dealing with any specific inflammatory issues like Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, the addition of the Antioxidant Response may prove beneficial. This product provides great anti-inflammatory support when taken on an empty stomach. I recommend 2-3 ml (approximately 1/2 teaspoon) 3-4 times a day at least 1 hour before and 2 hours after any other food and supplements.
You should continue to take all your other supplements while doing this program.
For the 20 days you will need:
Ultimate Microbiome - 1 canister
Digest-Fx - 1 bottle
Ultimate Enzymes - 1 bottle
Ultimate Nightly Essense - 1 bottle
2 Canisters of Collagen Peptides
2 Bottles of Plant Derived Minerals
ADD ON ONLY if needed.
Good Herbs Antioxidant Response 2 bottles (if dealing with specific inflammatory bowel diseases like IBS, Crohn’s, etc.)
For the first 10 days do the following:
Once a day take 1 scoop Ultimate Microbiome powder and 2 scoops Collagen Peptides powder in a cool/cold liquid - (hot liquids will denature the protein in the Ultimate Microbiome) - this can be added to a shake with 2 ounces of the minerals.
Take 4 caps Nightly Essense at bedtime for 10 days.
Then for the next 10 days do the following:
Once a day take 1 scoop Microbiome, 2 scoops Collagen Peptides and 2 ounces minerals as above.
Take 2 caps Nightly Essense at bedtime for 10 days.
The Nightly Essense should be taken on an empty stomach. I recommend the Ultimate Microbiome first thing in the morning 45 minutes to 1 hour before eating solid food, but it may be added to a shake with the minerals as noted above. The Nightly Essense should be taken last thing at night at least 2 hours after food and at least 1 hour after any drink or other supplements.
Take 1-2 caps Ultimate Enzymes before each meal depending on the size of the meal.
Take 2 caps mid-morning and 2 caps mid-afternoon of the Digest-Fx with a glass of water.
Once you have completed this Flora Program it is a good idea to take enzymes with each meal and ideally you should consider the Ultimate Microbiome product, one serving each day after completion of the program as maintenance.
This program is for everyone as we generally do not get enough probiotics in the foods we eat, and supplementing is a beneficial way to help re-establish healthy gut bacteria.
People who have problems with:
- absorption
- immune function
- allergies
- autoimmune disorders
- bowel problems
- skin problems
The most impressive things I notice are people who have food allergies, especially lactose intolerance, and those who are not seeing the results they expect to see taking supplements, see dramatic improvement once their Gl systems are tuned up using this program. This program is extremely helpful for all who wish to improve immune function. Research confirms that roughly 70% and more of overall immune function is dependent on a healthy gut. It is important to maintain vibrant intestinal flora.
If a person is dealing with any specific inflammatory issues like Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, the addition of the Antioxidant Response may prove beneficial. This product provides great anti-inflammatory support when taken on an empty stomach. I recommend 2-3 ml (approximately 1/2 teaspoon) 3-4 times a day at least 1 hour before and 2 hours after any other food and supplements.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Wallach. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure any disease and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as information and knowledge from the research and experience of Dr. Wallach. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.